Ok, I haven't blogged in a while. I haven't posted or updated my website in a while. I haven't written anything new in the realm of novel or short story in months. Yet, I'm working on my writing at least a little bit EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. So I begin to think to myself, what's up with that? If I'm messing with my writing every damn night and yet have produced nothing, what the hell have I been doing? Answer - editing. I have so much shit I've written, and after going to a new writers group (my previous group disbanded. Sad story. Cue the violins.) I joined a new group, and these bastards tear my stories to pieces every time I read for them. Okay, they're not bastards, but they are all damn good writers, damn good at critiquing, and are forcing me to up my fucking game.
Either way, went off topic. Total A-D-D moment. The point of this posting is about how much I’ve started and not finished. I’m editing novels I haven’t completed, obsessed with getting the first chapters perfect without completing the fucking ending. I just did a count. I’ve started five novels, without coming to completion — FIVE NOVELS. When I say started, I mean written half to three quarters of the damn book, not just the first freaking chapter. Two of them I know in my head how the entire plot, including the fucked up endings, are supposed to be. The other three, I still have to figure out, but I’ve gotten pretty far into them.
So I’ve decided that I’m going to stop obsessing on perfection before completing the final product. The first step to writing something should be the first draft. Editing comes next, not before, so I’m wasting time with old chapters. I’ve decided to finish a book completely, beginning to end, then start editing. Kind of a good idea to me. At least I can say I finished another novel, even though it won’t be ready for publication, but at least I’ll have a rough draft finished.
Moral of the story, if you start something, finish it before you start doing work to fix it. No point to messing with something you haven’t finished. For God’s sake, what if I were working forever on the first couple of chapters or something and realized the end would be stupid. All the effort would be useless, kind of like making a Highlander sequel.
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There should have only been one |
Or a Matrix Sequel.
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Seriously? |
Well, it’s 12:45 am, so good night to all. Hopefully this blog post is good. I've been drinking so who the fuck knows.